Historic Streetlight Restoration – Phoenix, Arizona

Historic Streetlight Restoration – Phoenix, Arizona

The project objective was to restore some of the 123 historic streetlights in three historic City of Phoenix districts: Alvarado, Ashland Place and Encanto-Palmcroft. Restoration included specifications for resetting leaning historic poles on new bases, repainting existing metal poles and performing lead paint abatement, repairing metal and concrete poles, replacing damaged access blocks and other metal and concrete components, replacing existing modern globes with original type luminaries and providing any electrical work for a complete working system. The project included creating a casting of an original concrete pole to reproduce missing or heavily damaged poles and replacing missing historic metal poles with matching reproduction poles. Field inspections were needed to verify existing electrical conditions in order to provide a design for a complete working system. These inspections included the power distribution, power sources and disconnects to the streetlights which determined the necessary means toward a complete working system. Services included design and construction administration.

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